FFR Program Monitoring

Federal Forest Restoration Program Monitoring for the Oregon Department of Forestry


The Federal Forest Restoration Program (FFR Program) is a partnership between the state of Oregon, federal forest managers, and public lands stakeholders to increase forest resilience and economic opportunity on federal forestlands across Oregon. The program is administered by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) with the overall goal to increase the resilience of Oregon’s federal forests, in a manner that leverages collaborative efforts and contributes to the long-term vitality of regional economies and rural communities. The Oregon state legislature has funded the FFR Program since the state of Oregon’s fiscal year 2014 (FY14), and has expended a total of $10.6 million through the program from FY2014-2019.

group of people in forest

The Ecosystem Workforce Program at University of Oregon and Oregon State University has conducted monitoring of the FFR Program’s investments from FY2014-2019, through a variety of reports and other products listed below.

This reporting has evolved over time. In past years, FFR Program monitoring was reported in relation to broader federal lands metrics, such as national forest board feet sales and restoration contracting. However, in the most recent monitoring conducted in 2019, the focus was specifically on the FFR Program and metrics and outcomes that could be directly linked to the Program, including Good Neighbor Authority-related projects. This reporting contributes to larger efforts to track the progress of state, federal, and partner programs engaging in forest restoration in order to adapt management practices and policy for improved outcomes.

Newest Monitoring Publications

Fact Sheet #32: Federal Forest Restoration Program: 2016-2024 Activities and Outcomes 

Fact Sheet #28: Federal Forest Restoration Program Update: 2016-2024 Activities and Outcomes

Working Paper #116: Monitoring Investments in Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program, 2021-2023 biennium

Working Paper #107:Monitoring Investments in Oregon’s Federal Forest Restoration Program, 2019–2021 Biennium

Working Paper #108:Monitoring the Collaborative Capacity Grant Outcomes of Oregon’s FFR Program, 2019–2021 Biennium

Working Papers

#92: Collaborative Capacity and Outcomes from Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program

#91: Monitoring Investments in Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program, FY 2014-2019

WP 91 Appendices

#79: Monitoring Restoration Progress on Oregon's Eastside National Forests During the Federal Forest Restoration Program

#78: Monitoring Oregon's Investments in the Federal Forest Restoration Program

#57: Monitoring of Outcomes From Oregon's Federal Forest Health Program

Fact Sheets

#32: Federal Forest Restoration Program: 2016-2024 Activities and Outcomes 

#28:Federal Forest Restoration Program Update: 2016-2024 Activities and Outcomes

#27: Federal Forest Restoration Program update: 2016-2022 activities and outcomes

#22: Federal Forest Restoration Program Use of the Good Neighbor Authority: FY 2016–2020 Activities and Outcomes

#20: Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program: FY 2017–2019 Accomplishments 

#19: Collaborative Capacity and Outcomes from Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program

#16: Federal Forest Restoration Program Use of the Good Neighbor Authority: 2016–2018 activities and outcomes

#15: Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program: FY 2014–2019 Cumulative Accomplishments

#12: Oregon's Federal Forest Restoration Program

#7: Collaborative Capacity for Accelerated Restoration

#5: Economic Impacts from the Malheur 10-Year Stewardship Contract: Evaluating Year One

#4: Economic Impacts from Blue Mountains National Forests Restoration: Tracking Investments in Eastern Oregon