EWP Publications

Ecosystem Workforce Program publications are available through Scholars Bank.

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Publication Categories

EWP Working Papers

These papers provide in depth analysis and original research on issues of both environmental and economic importance with a focus on rural communities.

EWP Briefing Papers

This set of papers provides shorter, more concise versions of many of the same topics covered in the working papers. Research is boiled down to its key findings and critical conclusions.

EWP Quick Guides

Quick guides are tools to help practitioners, agencies, businesses, and others create economic benefit from land management. They provide straightforward instructions for assessing workforce capacity, monitoring economic impacts, and more.


EWP Infographics

These graphics illustrate institutional trends, economic impacts and distributions, land management methods, and data analysis outcomes from projects through maps, charts, timelines, diagrams, and other visual approaches.

EWP Fact Sheets

Our fact sheets explore project themes and concepts by describing innovative examples, case studies, and outcomes from a variety of natural resource based economic development, collaboration, and community resilience projects, among others.

Journal Articles and Other Publications by EWP Staff

Originally published in a variety of locations, these documents highlight other projects and publications EWP staff members have worked on, including peer-reviewed journal articles. They address issues including job quality, forest restoration and management, forest fires, and many more.


Recent Publications

Social and economic monitoring of the Tongass National Forest and southeast Alaska communities : appendices Huber-Stearns, Heidi; Santo, Anna; Steinkruger, Erin Appendices for Ecosystem Workforce…
Land manager experiences with resilience in national forest planning and management Coughlan, Michael R.; Ellison, Autumn; Abrams, Jesse; Huber-Stearns, Heidi As the concept of resilience has gained…
Planning and managing for resilience : lessons from national forest plan revisions Abrams, Jesse; Greiner, Michelle; Timberlake, Thomas; Schultz, Courtney A.; Evans, Alexander M.; Huber-Stearns,…
Burning without borders : cooperatively managing wildfire risk in northern Colorado Cheng, Antony S. Because wildfires don’t stop at ownership boundaries, managers from governmental and…
Letting nature do the work : managing wildfires for resource objectives in New Mexico Huber-Stearns, Heidi; Davis, Emily Jane; Evans, Alexander M.; Caggiano, Michael In millions of acres of fire-…
Boots on the ground, boots around the table : managing rangeland wildfire risk in Oregon and Idaho Davis, Emily Jane The rangelands of southeastern Oregon and southern Idaho have experienced…