
The Regional Resiliency Building (RRB) is designed to protect our public safety communications systems, economy, and environment in the event of a major earthquake.
Developed using current seismic design standards, the RRB can:
- Store critical communications and network infrastructure
- Serve as a regional and local emergency coordination center
- House the Integrated Operations Center for University of Oregon
- Aid in regional recovery post-earthquake
- Strengthen our community resiliency when a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake occurs

This project investigates how traditional management practices such as cultural burning and selective harvesting of natural resources may have contributed to forest health and increased resilience to catastrophic wildfire and changing climate.
Past Indigenous land management and its legacies are not well understood for temperate rainforests, but prior to colonization of the Pacific Northwest by European peoples, Native Americans successfully stewarded their lands for thousands of years.
Photo caption: Indigenous selective harvesting of the inner bark of ponderosa pines has left a legacy of culturally modified trees in the Willamette National Forest.